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Regina's Daycare
Serving our Community since 2003
Boerum Hill
Carroll Gardens
Park Slope
3K Program
DOE Contracted

We offer 3Kprograms at Carroll Gardens, Boerum Hill and Park Slope (5th St) locations.

Admission Priorities
1. Current Students with siblings enrolled.
2. Current Students.
3. Children who will have siblings enrolled at the NYC Early Education Center.
4. Children whose families currently get free or subsidized social services from the organization running the center's 3-K program.
5. Other children who live in the district.
6. All other children.

The Program
DOE School Day- 8AM-2:20PM
Extended Hours- 2:20PM-6PM
Breakfast, Lunch and Snack are provided
Childcare is available year round except for major holidays.
DOE Curricullum
Small class size- 12 students.
Private Outdoor Space.
Enrichment activities during Extended hours.
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